Tyria Moore
Tyria Moore met Lee
Wuornos in a South Daytona lesbian bar called Zodiac, in
1986. The two were
together for four years. In the end, Ty
said, "We were more like sisters than lovers."

Tyria Moore

One of the many homes where Tyria Moore and Aileen lived in

Tyria Moore in court

Tyria Moore in court

Tyria Moore in court

Tyria Moore in court

Tyria Moore in court

Tyria Moore in court

Arlene Pralle
Arlene Pralle, a "born-again"
Christian who ran a horse breeding and boarding facility
near Ocala, had seen Wuornos's picture in a newspaper and
wrote her a letter. "My name is Arlene Pralle," she began, "I'm
born-again. You're going to think I'm crazy, but Jesus told
me to write you." After a few collect phone calls, she
became Wuornos’ adviser and defender. On November 22, 1991,
Arlene Pralle and her husband legally adopted Aileen Wuornos.
Pralle said God had told her to.

Arlene Pralle soon began
earning money from talk show appearances, print interviews,
and a lurid true-crime paperback book.

The Last Resort is a bikers bar in Port Orange, Florida.
This biker bar is where Aileen Wuornos was finally caught.

Inside the bar they have a "Wall of Fame"

Aileen has a brick on the "Wall of Fame" at the Last Resort
Now you know why the bar is fondly referred to as
"Home of the Ice Cold Beer and Killer Women"